The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Witnessing Resurrection


Does not automatically result in belief.

Some will see and be filled with hope. They will turn and follow Jesus for themselves. From this moment on they will never be the same, and they welcome the thrill of what is possible in the future. After all, if Jesus can bring someone back from the dead, if he can give new life, is there anything impossible for him?

Others, however, can see the exact same miracle and be filled with fear. They will leave and run back to the safety of their structured life, to their social and religious authority figures, nervous about the future. After all, if Jesus can disrupt death itself, what else might he turn upside down?

The status quo of culture does not easily loosen its grip. The seen and unseen rulers of this world do not willingly yield their power. The pressure of supposed security and predictability is strong. Yet to those people who see the light peeking through the door and make a break for it, they find themselves out in a wide-open new life.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation