The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

You Are The Man Blind From Birth


Yes, you’ve got problems, but you are more than a problem to be solved. Yes, sin may very well be behind your visible brokenness, but your brokenness is not an opportunity to play the blame game. Yes, you were born at a disadvantage, but that doesn’t mean your future is as dim as your vision has been.

No. Your story must be told differently. The way Jesus tells your story.

You were born to give glory to God. All that you are, all has happened to you—good, bad, and in between—it’s all so that the works of God might be displayed in you. It’s all so that you might experience the nearness of God. It’s all so that other people might see God’s goodness and power and love through you.

So don’t feel bad about being you. Don’t get lulled into comparing yourself with others. Don’t get sucked into that downward spiral of self-loathing. No pity parties.

You are, as the Apostle Paul put it, an ordinary clay jar—maybe even one that looks like a third-grade art project—but one that is nonetheless intended to contain great treasure.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation