The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

You Are What You Eat


What nutrition science knows is that what you consume stays within you. That it becomes a part of you. Food is not merely fuel. The overall health of your eating patterns affects every cell in your body because it all becomes your body. What you eat determines the quality and longevity of your life because what you eat literally becomes who you are.

In the same way that rhythms of healthy eating affect your body, so do rhythms of “consuming” Christ.

What the Christian faith knows is that what you really need to sustain and energize you in Christ. What you need is not merely a formal ritual, but an intimate relationship with Christ himself. Where he is in you, and you are in him. Christ in you, taken into your very self, transforms the quality and longevity of your life (both in this age and in the age to come) because he literally becomes who you are.

This is the mystery of the Eucharist. The “consumption” of Christ. You are what you eat, so feed on Christ—body, mind, and soul.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation