The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

You Don’t Need To Be Flashy


You just need to be faithful. You don’t need to be fantastic, you just need to be trustworthy. You don’t need to go viral, you just need to be reliable.

As I read the gospels, I can’t help but think that we could use a few more John the Baptists in the world—this world that is so hungry for clicks, likes, comments, and subscribers. John was an odd bird, for sure. I don’t necessarily think that we need more of his weirdness (maybe I’m wrong on that), but rather more of his authenticity and humility. More of his passion and devotion. More of his austerity and honesty.

John said of Jesus, “He must become greater, I must become less.” Jesus said of John, “There has not risen anyone greater than John the baptist.”

I wonder if people will say of me, after I am gone, like people said of John, “Though he never performed a sign, all that he said about Jesus was true.”

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation