The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

You Must Follow Me


Are the final words of Jesus in John’s gospel. Consider them in reverse:

Me. Everything centers around Jesus. And anything that does not clearly center around Jesus, whether in our individual lives or in the world around us, is an opportunity for a little recalibration.

Follow. Not admire, not respect, not quote. Not even more religious sounding words like worship, or pray to, or obey. Not even other intimate options like trust, or accept, or love. No, the final invitation—perhaps the ultimate invitation—is to follow. Wherever he goes, by whatever means he travels, however long it takes to get there, and whatever he does once he arrives.

Must. There is no other option. No Plan B. If you want to live into the fullness of all that you were created for, following Jesus is a must.

You. Not him, not here, not those people over there. Just you, unfazed by the life choices of anyone else, unconcerned for the calling of anyone else, undeterred when things don’t seem to work out as well for you as it seems to for anyone else. The only person you are responsible for, the only person whose choices you have any control over, is you.

You. Must. Follow. Me.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation