The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Your Ideas About Jesus


Came from somewhere. From someone.

This is basic epistemology: None of us knows anything apart from someone else teaching us something. Even the most novel scientific discovery is reached on the shoulders of other novel scientific discoveries.

Faith is no different.

When Pilate, the Roman and very non-Jewish governor, asked,Jesus, “Are you the king of the Jews?”, it was obvious that he hadn’t come to this conclusion on his own. Surprisingly true as this was, Pilate had learned this from others who themselves didn’t realize the full truth of what they were saying.

Even in this irony we can see a bit of how faith works and grows and infiltrates like yeast in a batch of dough.

Your understanding of Jesus is not a unique revelation. It is a unique relationship, because you are a unique person. But that’s about as far as it goes.

Our relationships and understandings of Jesus are part of a greater tradition than we can even conceive of.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation