The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Your Story


Is the most compelling evangelistic tool at your disposal.

No argument. No clever sales pitch. No kitschy gift. No carefully crafted apologetic. No enthusiastic church service. No light and haze show. No inspiring message from the stage. No meme. No threat of eternal punishment.

As Christians, we’ve tried those and many other tactics over the centuries. They’re all a bit suspect to begin with, and in the end produce questionable results.

People aren’t really interested in any of those tactics. Maybe I’m wrong on that. But I think not.

What people are interested in is story. We humans are irresistibly drawn to narrative. So many of our defenses seem to come down when listening to another person share honestly about their experience. Sure, some people may be cynical or argumentative, but there’s little to be invoked in such cases aside from patient love.

If you’ve experienced God, just go tell people what happened. Or what that’s like for you on a regular basis. Or what it is that keeps you coming back for more. Don’t overthink it. Don’t try to make it flashier than it really is. Just tell it like you’ve lived it. They’ll be surprisingly willing to listen.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation