Latest Riffs

How Fast Are You Going?


It’s happened to even the most conscientious among us: A simple drive to the grocery store or something gets interrupted by the flicker of blue and red lights in your rear view mirror. Followed by a flush of nervous adrenaline and embarrassment. Your mind swimming with questions: “What on earth did I do? Did I miss a stop sign? Was I speeding? Is my tail light out?”

The officer walks up to your window, you hand her your license and registration, and she asks, “Do you know how fast you were going?” You pause. You think you know how fast you were going. After all, you’re not a speeder. Surely you were pretty close to the speed limit. Maybe 5 over. No more than 10.


The Potter Has No Hands


Trusting in the sovereignty of God comes most easily in the abstract. The further out the reality, the easier it is to piously nod my head. But as the concentric circles get closer in to me and my actual life, the higher the stakes get, and the stronger the impulse becomes to take things into my own hands. 


A PhD in Forgiveness


Is earned by learning Jesus’ prayer on the cross: 

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

Luke 23:34

Glory Is Attractive


Glory is that quality of someone or something that attracts attention. Glory demands to be noticed. Glory causes eyes to grow wide, jaws to drop, and voices to gasp. 

We all respond to glory. It’s a human reflex. Like when you see people pulled over on the side of the highway, phones out, pointed up at a double rainbow.


No, You Can’t See The Ocean From Here


Was my stubborn reply to the insistence of my mother and brother and other family members. “There’s too much fog and smog. And we’re just a little to far away. And not high enough up.”

There was an unusual amount of fog. That much was true. And there was the usual amount of smog. Also true. But we were indeed close enough and high enough up—my insistence that we were too low and distant was untrue.


Those Who Wait Upon God


But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.

They spread their wings and soar like eagles,

they run and don’t get tired,

they walk and don’t lag behind.

Isaiah 40:31

This is really good news, because waiting upon God is hard work. 


It’s So Loud I Can’t Hear Myself Think


You’ve heard that old saying. You know the feeling. It’s like your brain has hearing damage.

I’m beginning to realize that the hearing damage is actually more profound: “It’s so loud I can’t hear my soul speak.” 


Shifting The Pronouns In Prayer


Is a transformative tool. A simple twist of perspective can change our hearts and minds. It can take prayer in new directions. It can even make it a little more fun!

STEP 1: Find a prayer. Scriptures are a good place to start. 

STEP 2: Change the pronouns. For example, Us —> I. I —> them. Us —> she. Mix it up and see how it changes your prayers

Like this. 


Rodger Otero

I'm a husband-father-musician-pastor trying to make a decent contribution to the world. California is the Motherland, North Carolina has my heart, Georgia is Home. These are mostly my riffs on formation, leadership, and being fully human.

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